The Ultimate Performance Center

No Excuses®

Wolves of Croton – The Untold Story of Milo

Milo poses for his cheering fans who pack the arena to watch the Crotonian mangle his opponents inside the wrestling pit.

Copyright ©, John Abdo. All Rights Reserved. @johnabdo1

Milon, this fine statue of a fine man, he won seven times at Pisa and never dropped to his knees.”

Simonides, 556 BC – 468 BC

This dual-volume, 20-book manuscript takes its readers on an epic odyssey into the life of the greatest Olympian combatant of all-time, Milo of Croton.

Available in eBooks and Paperbacks

Website for John Abdo:


Instagram: @johnabdo1


All Rights Reserved, ©, John Abdo

October 1, 2020 Posted by | Performance Library | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Milo of Croton

Wolves of Croton – The Untold Story of Milo

Milo of Croton

The Father of Progressive Resistance Training…

Sneak preview into the contents of John Abdo’s latest book on the greatest Olympian combatant of all-time and the undisputed strongest man to have ever lived: Milo of Croton, the man who could carry a bull!

Link to Video clip posted below . . .

Copyright ©, John Abdo. All Rights Reserved. @johnabdo1

Now Available . . .

Website for John Abdo:


Instagram: @johnabdo1


All Rights Reserved, ©, John Abdo

Copyright ©, John Abdo, 2020. All Rights Reserved

August 13, 2020 Posted by | Performance Library | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Chickening Out!

As best you can, look closely at the attached pictures. The first is a package, amongst many, containing two chicken breasts displayed in a ‘popular grocery stores’ freezer. Focus in and you will see humungous breasts, virtually bursting out of the wrapping. Ironically, I wouldn’t consider these fowl giants obese as they exhibit a low fat percentage especially in comparison to bovine and swine compositions. Beef and pork sources typically possess denser, thicker and heavier concentrations of both subcutaneous and intra-muscular fat. So basically, the breasts you’re observing at are juiced up muscle-bound freaks, literally.
Fowl Arithmetic
According to some, an Average chicken breast weighs between 5.25 oz.– 8.0 oz.1, 2, or roughly 0.50 lb. (½ pound). However, the two chicken breasts in this photo are weighing in at 40.96 oz., or 2.56 lbs. Divided in half, the weight for a single chicken breast weighs 20.48 oz., or 1.28 lbs.
Compare 20.48 oz. to the Average of 8.0 oz., and, wallah, we calculate a 256% weight differential.
Plumping Up *
With a smidgen of sarcasm, of course there’s restrictions on intentional bloating of animal products, specifically known as plumping. And to prove these chicken breasts have met appropriate health and safety regulations, (clearing my throat) the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and possibly many other trustworthy regulating bodies, stamp a Passed Meat ‘seal of approval’ directly onto packaging labels after inspection. So the chicken breasts you’re looking at here have been (I’m choking) officially inspected, passed, and legally approved, ‘Inspected and Passed Meat and/or Poultry’.
But wait, there’s more! To uncover further disappointment to my ‘roid raging’ fit here is that you’d, at least, hope these breasts tasted good, but not even close. Hyper-hypertrophied animal food sources taste awful, exhibiting a leather-like consistency. To maintain consumer consumption; i.e., sales, the unpleasant taste must be disguised. Especially pertinent for restaurant goers, many never recognize the (real) taste of these ‘Passed’ chicken breasts because they’re smothered in creams, gravies, sauces and/or crispy crusts. Regarding the recognition of their Herculean sizes, the fowl is chopped into smaller chunks or strips before serving in salads, pasta, casseroles and soups.
For those of you who vote in favor of naturally raised food sources, hypertrophic augmentation is also prevalent with Free Range chickens. See attached; a single breast from this package weighs 12.64 ounces or 0.79 lbs. That’s a whopping 150% bigger than the 8 oz. Average. And to heed a closing warning, many of these Free Ranging breasts also have nasty flavors.
In any event, bet you didn’t guess, I’ve been chickening out lately. Quite disappointing since chicken has maintained a good percentage of my overall protein intake. Welcome to the age of engineered foods.
Always Make the Healthiest Choice!
John Abdo
* Plumped or plumping, terms that refer to agricultural practices implemented to enhance and/or enlarge poultry, and other meat products, by injecting fluids into the tissues producing swelling and bloating while concurrently increasing heftiness and heavier weights.

February 26, 2017 Posted by | Performance Library | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sweet Behavior

I’m sure you’ve heard many people say, “I get fat just thinking about food”. As bizarre as that statement sounds there really is a lot of (scientific) truth supporting it. Here’s a simple explanation.

Sugar ingestion of any kind, natural or man-made, releases insulin into the bloodstream. Produced by the pancreas gland, amongst other roles, insulin is a hormone that serves as a shuttling agent responsible for chaperoning glucose (sugar) through the bloodstream and into the cells of the body to provide the cells with energy. The more sugar a person eats the more insulin their body needs to produce placing greater demands onto their pancreas glands. Those who are addicted to sugar, and consume it consistently, condition their pancreas to release insulin more frequently and at greater volumes than normal; this is a classic maladaptive behavior habit.

What’s so ironic, the brain-pancreas system becomes so conditioned to releasing insulin for chronic sugar-holics that these people don’t even need to actually (physically) consume sugar to trigger this effect. Whenever their brain senses sugar a ‘conditioned response’ (neuro-programming) is trained to believe sugar ingestion is surely going to occur. The sensation or anticipation from the thought, smell, sound and even sight of sugar alone is sufficient instigation to trigger insulin production. So if you’re trying to lose excess weight make sure you close your eyes and plug your ears during television commercials advertising all those yummy-for-your-tummy deserts and insatiable dishes at famous pancake restaurants. This might sound pseudo scientific, but it’s as factual as a person who ‘thinks’ (fantasizes) about a sexual experience and concurrently releases a variety of procreative hormones.

Needless to say, excessive sugar consumption and insulin secretion becomes a dangerous habit that destroys cellular integrity and overall body constitution. It’s a process that inhibits useful blood glucose to enter the cells where it’s used as energy. So instead of yielding energy this process actually stores it away; and in places people just struggle to deal with like their love-handles, saddlebags, chins, etc.

Maladaptive behavior directly related to sugar consumption often leads to diabetes and obesity, epidemics that are completely out of control for adults and now youngsters in our high-sugar era of consumption. Additionally, sugar addiction degrades the integrity and vitality of the pituitary gland that, in turn, struggles to produce and release sufficient supplies of growth hormone that are necessary to keep the body charged with a healthy metabolism and to maintain homeostasis.

Insulin flow chart (basic understanding)

• Sugar is sensed by the brain; i.e., thought (memory or future projection), sight, smell or actual consumption.

• The brain reacts by signaling the pancreas to release insulin in preparation to manage energy.

• Insulin enters the bloodstream that then binds to sugar molecules chaperoning them into muscle cells.

• Muscle cell receptors will grant entry to sugar only when that muscle is depleted, or has room for this energy source.

• However, when muscle cells are already saturated with sugar; called glycogen at that point, the sugar is rejected by the muscle receptors returning it into normal circulation. When sugar is denied tissue access it has a higher (and easier) tendency to convert to fat and become stored within the body. (The genetic construction of the body desires to keep and preserve energy, it’s a caveman gene we haven’t yet outgrown.)

• Insulin-induced diabetes is linked to depression, hormonal imbalances and sexual dysfunctions, obesity, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and reduced quality of life.


Written by John Abdo, ©, All Rights Reserved

Excerpts taken from Brain Sensation & Motivation

December 10, 2015 Posted by | Performance Library | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Is it all that’s it’s hyped up to be?

BookWhile testosterone can be taken by injection, by implant or transdermally (topical to skin, usually in the armpit), why do the purported benefits range so greatly for men using it?  Because, it really does!

Through their physician, some men (roughly between 40 and 75) choose HRT or TRT to primarily increase libido or sex drive, but also to look and perform better, with more energy and overall vitality. However, both anecdote and science data suggests that for a fair percentage of T users, there’s less than a sterling response. Once more, the longer a man relies on exogenous testosterone replacement the less effective this hormone seems to benefit him (especially sexually). There also becomes (more or less), a lifelong dependence on the exogenous testosterone therapy.

Man is a Sensory Creature!

What man ‘senses’ often stimulates psycho-biological reactions that prepare the body to ‘manage’ that which is being sensed. By this I mean, when a man’s brain ‘senses’ it’s hot his body shifts fluids from organs, muscle and blood to the surface of the skin to cool himself off (i.e., perspiration). When the temperature drops, and that same man senses it’s cold, his muscles shiver to elevate body temperature from friction. Another example is a man who’s asleep under the rays (sunbathing in his back yard), jumps completely off his lawn chair when he ‘hears’ a firecracker, loud noise or car backfire. His brain immediately ‘senses’ danger. Essentially, his hypothalamus gland releases a chemical signal, to signal or alert his adrenal glands to secrete adrenaline. This reaction accelerates respiration and heart rate, both to supply more energy and oxygen (blood) to suddenly tensing muscles that have to either ‘fight or flight’; or jump off of lawn chairs, to ‘manage’ the eminent danger. This is one of man’s ‘caveman’ genes.

In regards to sexual performance, the brain works in a similar fashion. When man sees, smells, tastes, hears, touches, or is touched by ‘something sexy’, his brain ‘releases’ chemical signals aimed at enticing his sexual-reproductive organs to ‘manage the thing’ being sensed. Under brain-scan technology, known as positron-emission tomography (PET), a specific compartment in the brain illuminates during sex and orgasm; all while the five senses are (erotically) active. Interestingly, that same brain compartment, known as the ventral tegmental area, (VTA) also shows heightened activity during memory-related imagery and vision stimulation1; or when the sixth sense is active.

PET scan technology links all of the (obvious) five senses to the ‘brain / genital’ (big head/little head) connection but, more interestingly, to the often ignored or misunderstood, sixth sense. Man’s ‘sixth sense’ is summed as “his desire, erotic memories and fantasies, lust, and libido.”

In a healthy sexual context, the sheer ‘thought’ of sex ignites the same reactions that are triggered when a person is ‘physically’ engaged in sex as the genitals (gonads and penis) receive persuasive chemical messengers from the brain that stimulate sperm production, genital sensitivity and erections (to name a few reactions). It’s man’s genetic code, his original DNA programming, to be a pro-creative being. Removing religious and cultural connotations, this is man’s primary mission, other than eating, drinking, sleeping and generally seeking shelter.

Considering the mathematical success of the human race we started out with two people (or, at least as Genesis in the Bible may suggest), while today we’re at 7 billion. As God suggested we have been fruitful and have multiplied! By all accounts, man is very successful at fulfilling his genetic obligations which ‘Mother Nature’ made easy by rewarding him with extreme pleasure for just trying to ‘advance the species’.

“Everything man does is motivated by his passion to fulfill his sexual desires”

Dr. Sigmund Freud

“The Big Head or Little Head — Who’s Really in Charge?”

Many consider testosterone the king of all male hormones. However, there’s a new wave of sexual-health specialists who are rethinking a single-hormone approach to sexual enhancement. To them, several hormones need to be considered. In particular, the gonadotrophins; i.e., luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), both of which influence genital health and performance.

The gonadotrophins are produced through a close relationship between the hypothalamus and pituitary glands; that, coincidently, influence the VTA region. Upon an erotic ‘sensation’ from any one, or all of the six senses, the hypothalamus delivers gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRh) to the pituitary. When properly received, the pituitary responds by ‘releasing’ the gonadotrophins to the genitals that (ultimately) influences testicular sperm production and penile erection; to mention two. This sequence of events is called the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis, or HPTA; some replace testicular with ‘gonadal’, for HPGA, relating to both sexes; female gonads are the ovaries.

One possible reason why some ‘disappointed guys’ no longer respond to their TRT can be blamed on HPTA down-regulation with concurrent declines in the gonadotrophins. Basically, the ‘regular’ operations for the hypothalamus and pituitary have slowed or shut ‘down’, while the testicles and penis are not receiving adequate hormonal (performance) fuel.

Confusingly, many of the men who are dissatisfied with the purported sex-boosting benefits of TRT actually register mid-normal to high-normal total testosterone blood levels, say 500-600 ‘units’. However, down-regulation typically occurs when the brain ‘senses’ the presence of exogenous testosterone. When a man becomes ‘de-sensitized’ in this manner there’s a “disconnect” between his brain and genitals, and when he ‘senses’ sex is about to occur he often complains, “It just isn’t happening”.

Another reasonable hypothesis is to get a better understanding of exactly what is considered “normal” testosterone blood levels. Let’s say a man measures ‘normal’ with a 300 ng/dl (nanogram per deciliter of blood) level of total testosterone, when 250 ng/dl — 750 ng/dl is regarded as a low-to-high “range of normal” by most physicians.  However, consider that when this guy was a young whippersnapper of 21, his blood ‘T’ levels could have measured a normal of 700-1000 units. Many ‘undereducated’ examiners ignorantly inform their sexually challenged male patients, “Your testosterone levels are normal. Go home and get some rest, you’ll be perking up soon”.

However, it’s NOT this simple. These practitioners may have failed to consider this man’s ‘T’ levels are now measuring in at one-third the man he once was. Even this normal ‘T’ levels; especially those exogenously produced, are not providing satisfactory boosts in libido and erection capabilities, for way too many men.

Of course, it’s a lot more complicated than this.

Here are a few things to consider about HRT or TRT:

• Men should cycle on-and-off TRT to avoid HPTA shutdown and testicular suppression to intentionally (attempt to) reboot endogenous hormonal productions. Some rebooting techniques suggest a use of clomid, HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and other (off-label, very expensive) prescription drugs that ‘trick’ the HTPA into returning to normal function2.

• Physicians must examine men with sexual performance challenges by also taking into account their lifestyle, diet, emotional, physical and financial conditions. Does this man smoke, drink alcohol or use varying medications or drugs? Is he over-caffeinated or over-stimulated? Adrenal suppression depletes a significant portion of a man’s endogenous testosterone.

• Is the man a current or former anabolic steroid user? Date shows that chronic (more than 2-5 years of steady steroid use) can permanently damage the HPTA.

• Work and emotion are so critical. Many men are physically capable of having sex but are in ‘fear of failing’ and experiencing performance anxiety. All it takes is a couple failed (sexual) experiences, (or some condescending remark from an inconsiderate mate), and men will ‘shrivel’ up and encounter the ‘turtle effect’3.

• Is the man financially stable? A man might be able to procreate, per se, but if he’s not capable of supporting his family (or himself) he may feel he is not fulfilling his other two genetic obligations that money provides; (i.e., eating and shelter)! Financially challenged men, especially at the age range from 35-65, often suffer excessive levels of stress that ‘rob them’ of much of their manhood.

• Is the man obtaining proper nourishment from healthy foods and certain supplements? Natural foods and herbs are traced back to the beginning of man, original hunters and gatherers, and who’ve kept man re-producing, and having a lot of sex, ever since. The biggest problem is a diet that is too low in essential fatty acids.

• Normal, even high-normal, blood ‘T’ levels (say 600-700) often fail to enhance many men’s sexual capabilities! You see, a single-hormone ‘sex-enhancing’ strategy may be instigating or exasperating a HPTA disturbance.

Let’s say this for sure. TRT has become BIG business. Once more, too many ill-informed prescribers are striving to propagate testosterone alone hormone to gain business and position themselves on the popular side of consumer demand. (It USED to be that growth hormone was wrongly touted as the single be-all and end-all hormone).

My conclusion to all of you is that TRT is “an infant” science. Doctors simply don’t have all the answers, yet. One thing you can be sure of, PLANET MUSCLE will continue to explore this emerging science and present it all to you!


1 The Orgasmic Mind: Martin Potter, Scientific American Mind, April/May 2008

2 Courtesy: Dr. Karlis Ullis, Santa Monica, CA

3 Courtesy: Dr. Joel Kaplan, American Board of Sexology, San Diego, CA

Written by John Abdo, ©, All Rights Reserved.

John Abdo is an Olympic Strength & Conditioning Coach, Master Fitness Trainer, co-formulator for Androzene® and author of the doctor-endorsed book Ultimate Sexual Health & Performance™.

For more information please visit

This article is NOT construed as medical advice. Always seek the help of a qualified medical authority.

June 24, 2013 Posted by | Performance Library | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Cellular Receptivity: By John Abdo

Ever wonder how one guy can down a 12-pack and (seem to) carry on a normal conversation while another guy drinks one beer and gets smashed? The science of what’s occurring inside that person’s body, and brain, is immeasurably complex but it can be deduced by a couple of different terms like: tissue sensitivity or cellular receptivity.

To take this a step further, let me introduce you to a couple of wild and ambitious guys . . .

Let’s meet Joe and Tim. These two fellows hang out with one another constantly. In fact, they’re almost inseparable. They are the same age, height and bodyweight, and they share identical goals for building up their bodies and increasing the size and strength of their muscle.

Their goals are the same: Get big, get strong, get girls.

Joe and Tim start working out together – same exercises, same routines, same foods, same supplements. Within one week, Joe increases his bench press from 185 to 205, while Tim’s doesn’t budge an ounce. Joe’s biceps grow to 16” up from 14½”, in only 3 weeks, while Tim gets a measly quarter inch gain. The pattern continues. Joe is the front-runner, and Tim lags behind. Both guys remain faithful to their regular evening workouts together; they even eat the same amount of food and pop all the same supplements.

So why is there a discrepancy between Joe’s and Tim’s results? Receptivity. Gym lingo would tell you that Joe’s muscle cells are more sensitive (or more receptive) to receiving the anabolic (muscle-growing) trigger induced by the weight training and supplements while Tim’s cells are, compared to Joe’s, more stubborn.

Tim’s cells have a quicker down-regulation reaction that limits the amount of nitrogen-rich protein, and other energy-yielding nutrients, that enter into his muscle cells. Joe’s cells, on the other hand, are allowing more muscle-building nourishment to enter into his tissues as his internal cellular receptors are reacting much differently; this is often where genetics plays its favorites.

Both guys, internally speaking, can have similar hormonal profiles, but, as stated, Joe’s tissues are simply responding better – and faster. This response is not limited to weight workouts and protein shakes. The same tissue-entering phenomenon occurs with most others foods, alcohol (remember the 12-pack guy?), caffeine, cigarette smoking, drugs (especially steroids), and all ingestible items. Each person has an internal cellular monitoring system that possesses its own levels of sensitivity, and cellular entry.

So two people who are doing the same things – eating the same foods, performing the same exercises, taking the same supplements or drugs, or drinking the same beverages (12-packs or one can of beer) – will have different rates of digestion, cellular absorption, assimilation, metabolism, and, above all, effects.

This is one of the reasons why the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requests all advertisers of diet programs and supplements list: “Individual results may vary.”

The great news in all this is that when a person relies on nourishing themselves with natural ingredients that have been harvested from Mother Nature, and are then processed under ‘standardized’ production regulations, cellular integrity is supported that can only result in positive benefits.

In conclusion, when making decisions that concern the strength, vitality and health of your body, and it’s trillions of cells, it’s wise to be patient with the process and rely on natural substances.


Written by John Abdo, please refer to the book

Ultimate Sexual Health & Performance

July 28, 2012 Posted by | Performance Library | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Gaining Functional Muscle Weight: By John Abdo

It is ironic that a large segment of our population spends billions of dollars each year in attempts to lose excess weight (fat), while others exert lots of energy and also spend big bucks striving to gain weight—muscle weight that is.

No one needs instruction on how to gain fat, that’s easy; just eat and perform little, or no activity. On the other hand, gaining functional muscle weight is a highly sophisticated science, and complicated discipline. Let’s look at it closer.

To gain functional muscle mass, weight training with a specific range of resistances is one of the best prime stimulators, in addition to proper nutrition.

On a microscopic level, weight training actually traumatizes, or tears down muscle fibers; this is scientifically referred to as catabolism. Upon cessation of the catabolic phase, the body’s recuperative metabolism kicks into action; it’s known as the anabolic phase. The anabolic phase is the body’s reparation and rejuvenation metabolism that replenishes depleted energy storages while repairing damaged tissues and growing muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, bones and hormones. The catabolic/anabolic cycles are metabolic counterparts that are referred to as the ‘no pain, no gain’ cycle.

To stimulate the best anabolic state, strength authorities claim that medium-to-heavy resistances should be employed during weight training to induce the best catabolic phase. Generally speaking, many of the basic and/or multi-muscle weight-training movements; like bench presses, squats, power cleans, rows, leg presses and others, should be composed of sets that total between 5-12 repetitions. A weight that can only be performed for repetitions lower than 5 are typically too heavy a load, while a weight that can be performed for repetitions exceeding 12 means are typically too light.

The key to selecting accurate loads or resistances is simply select weights that allow failure between the 5-12 rep range. If a set for an exercise falls short or goes beyond this 5-12 rep range, the athlete simply adjusts their resistance on subsequent sets, or workouts, to remain within the range they need for progressive muscle building.

Although weight training is the main stimulus for anabolism, it’s nutrition that fuels both the catabolic and anabolic phases. Food and supplemental resources obtained from quality proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, certain herbs and adaptogens, all play essential roles in energy expenditure (catabolism/pain) and muscle growth (anabolism/gain).

Of course, gaining functional muscle mass, and the entire discipline of weight training for that matter, are far more complicated than my brief treatise, but there are always exceptions to most every rule. So have fun, experiment and watch your body grow stronger and bigger each and every week.

I Wish You Great Success!

John Abdo


John Abdo is an Olympic Strength & Conditioning Coach, Master Fitness Trainer, co-formulator for Androzene® and author of the doctor-endorsed book Ultimate Sexual Health & Performance™. For more information please visit

July 24, 2012 Posted by | Performance Library | , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

The Psychology of Fitness & Supreme Fat Loss

Applying the Universal Law of Cause & Effect to the Physical Body

By John Abdo

You’ve been watching what you eat. You’re even making conscious efforts to read labels before purchasing groceries, and making special requests when ordering food in restaurants. You’re exercising and actually making a habit of it. Some of you, I’ll bet, have purchased some exercise equipment from an infomercial; maybe it’s one of mine? Others are supplementing their eating with nutritional or weight-loss products. But with all your efforts there’s still something missing as looking or feeling your best is somehow eluding you.

It’s no secret that many people are doing what they feel they should be doing to lose weight, reshape their bodies and boost their energy and health but are left dissatisfied or frustrated. The solution doesn’t always lie in what you’re doing; it actually lies within the proper attitude, as “doing” is the physical part while “thinking” and your levels of motivation and enthusiasm are the psychological one.

In studying the habits of people; why they succeed or fail, personally or professionally, ultimately, it’s revealed that their attitudes or psychological demeanor is what [really] propagates their results. If they desire a change in results, people must change their mindset to correspond with the ideal outcome they’re striving for. Once the mind is aligned for success each [physical] action is stimulated with a higher degree of mental power, and successful results are not just possible, they’re inevitable.


To achieve then sustain positive results, either psychologically and/or physical, one must first determine their motives for exerting themselves to accomplish their goals in the first place. Is the mind fueled with a “have to” attitude or is it motivated with a “want to” attitude? There’s a huge difference between the two. In delving deep into the psychology of both, “have to” and “want to”, both of these emotional states are polar opposites that, as a coach, I can make, with a high degree of accuracy, very predictable [and contrasting] consequences to one’s physical and mental exertions.

Think about it. When you “have to” do something it’s mostly because somebody else is demanding you to do so or you’ve been backed into a corner and have no other choice. “My doctor keeps telling me that I have to lose weight otherwise serious medical complications are in my foreseeable future”. Comparatively speaking, “I want to lose weight so I can have more energy, and be healthier and more productive for my family, kids and business”, yields positive, long-term results as those objectives are fueled with enthusiastic mental energy.

What initiates then sustains positive successful actions is proper thought. To produce successful results one’s mentality must be fueled with a “want to” attitude. Those who endure the process of getting back into shape or losing fat with a “have to” attitude struggle to attain any level of achievement which is often temporary due to lack of a positively charged sustaining motive, hence the infamous “yo-yo” syndrome.


Aside from doing-what-it-takes to assume a “want to” attitude, the next step is to place emphasis on the cause of the condition you’re striving for. Most people striving for physical betterment are always thinking weight loss, or fat reduction.  This objective obsesses their mind while that’s all they think about, seek, ask for and pursue. People persistently ask their trainers and mentors, “How can I lose weight?” or “How can I get rid of my fat?” But what’s amazing is that you hardly ever hear people ask, “How can I get healthier, stronger, more energetic and powerful?” These are the true states of body and mind that yield ultimate success.

Many people then are only focusing on the effects of their condition, while ignoring the cause[s]. Being overweight or out-of-shape is a ‘symptom’, ‘effect’ or ‘result’. Effects are directly linked to a very specific cause, or causes. Amazingly, with just a tiny shift in the thought process, shifting much of the emphasis away from the effects by focusing on the cause, people begin to actualize consistent dramatic results beyond their wildest imagination.

Mind over Matter:  And your body is the matter

The flaw in approaching fitness with only a “losing fat” attitude per se is it’s a superficial approach to what’s really a much deeper, internal issue. We all know that there are plenty of diets, exercise programs, devises and potions designed to address the effects of obesity and an out-of-conditioned body. But to obtain then maintain a lean and healthy body one must mentally and physically perform the tasks that are required to cause a lean and healthy body to transpire.

When you think of it, there are plenty of great looking people who never really focus on their appearance or body fat per se, but they look absolutely terrific. Many athletes are prime examples. Most of these elite members of our society focus solely (entirely) on performance when they’re training. By placing emphasis on strength, dexterity, coordination, stamina, agility, recuperation, internal fortitude and other physical attributes, awesome physical [exterior] appearances manifest automatically, and much without paying attention to the specific elimination of excess body fat. Losing excess body fat then is the bonus to performance conditioning. Athletes do not win competitions by their appearances; it’s their mental and physical skills that bring home the Gold.

Be a Doer

Losing fat weight is actually about strengthening and energizing your muscles, or the ‘internal’ engines of the body. Now don’t feel that you need to convert yourself into a bodybuilder. Fact is, muscle development must be focused on, not the fat, as muscle is the only functional tissue in the body that makes fat burning possible in the first place. During activity, the body shuttles fat [and sugars] into the muscle to serve as fuel for movement. With an increase in activity you have an increase in fuel-expenditure, or fat burning.

So take the pressure off yourself, and refocus your efforts off your fat. Instead, work yourself from the inside out and develop a powerful strong body that burns fat easily and allows you to live your life with vibrancy, endurance and supreme levels of productivity!


John Abdo is an Olympic Strength & Conditioning Coach, Award-Winning inventor of fitness equipment like The AB-DOer® and Inductee into the National Health & Fitness Hall of Fame. For more information please email John at:

June 8, 2012 Posted by | Performance Library | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment